1 Pack Polyurethane Commercial Vehicle Paint.
An air drying, high build, high gloss finish. With longer drying and wet edge times compared to 1 Pack Polyurethane QD.  With less tendency for ‘dry or over spray’. Excellent for application by brush.
Often used for spraying large commercial vehicles. When a long wet edge or open time is beneficial, particularly if sprayshop temperatures rise above 25C.
VOC classification is 2004/42/IIB(d)(420)(420)
ARTICLES – that are not part of a building structure (and are therefore outside the scope of the building products VOC Product Directive). Used as a refurbishment or maintenance coating for items such as :
INSIDE BUILDINGS – Â Machinery, fixed plant, movable equipment, fork lift trucks, trolleys, frames, guards etc. Chosen for its high gloss, hard wearing, and resistance to most common cutting oils and some mild chemicals. OUTSIDE BUILDINGS – Tanks, pipework, process plant, towers, bridges, or any structure which is not part of a building.
METAL FINISHING – Only occasionally used in this sector, when application would normally be by brush on items that cannot easily be sprayed.
Niche end uses are for Narrow Boats, externally above the water line, classic vehicles, tractors, traction engines, coaches, buses, trucks, and steam engines.
See also the Manor supplementary information sheet ‘Guide to the UK VOC legislation’. To understand how the VOC content of a coating determines its suitability for use in any application
Technical Data Sheet click here
Colour Chart and Reference for BS381CÂ Click Here
Colour Chart and Reference for BS4800Â Click Here
Colour Chart and Reference for RALÂ Click Here